
Showing posts from January, 2019


New year, new me...  everyone seems to say this once the new year hits. Why? Why do we subject ourselves to only change once the new year comes? Shouldn’t we be striving everyday to change? Shouldn’t everyday be a chance to become progressively better? I think so, I think we should ALWAYS be striving or better. However, I do think that if the new year gives out this motivation for you to do better, use it!! Oh, how it is so important to remind ourselves we can change. Thats right. we CAN CHANGE. We are allowed to grow, and learn, what we like, and what we don’t. We are human after all! Things change, people change. I’ve been thinking about this a lot. And I wanna share a little something I learned this year.  Graduating high school, losing lots of friends, and starting college in a totally different state. It’s hard... freaking hard.  But it has reminded me that sometimes you just grow out of people. Some people are just meant to not be in your life, and t