
Showing posts from May, 2018

Here it goes... The First Post.

Hey everyone! This is Whytni Rain Evanson, also known as Whyt, and I am the girl behind "Words with Whyt". I'm very excited to start up a blog! I've always wanted to create a blog of my own. I am very much a fan of blogs, articles, and just seeing other peoples opinions or stories. So I decided that I wanted to create this blog "Words with Whyt". In that case, I am just a beginner so I have to get in the hang of things, so here it goes: - I want to talk about the things that affect us, good or bad. - I believe that we are truly inspired/impacted by our own, and others peoples good, and bad times. We sometimes don't see a lot of the bad, but none the less it's just as important. Trials and Hardships are some of the many things that can, and will build you up. It is oh so important to know that both good and bad will affect you for the better. You may not see it in the moment, but you will later on. I promise you! Whether it may take a cou