Here it goes... The First Post.

Hey everyone!
This is Whytni Rain Evanson, also known as Whyt, and I am the girl behind "Words with Whyt". I'm very excited to start up a blog! I've always wanted to create a blog of my own. I am very much a fan of blogs, articles, and just seeing other peoples opinions or stories. So I decided that I wanted to create this blog "Words with Whyt".
In that case, I am just a beginner so I have to get in the hang of things, so here it goes:
I want to talk about the things that affect us, good or bad.
I believe that we are truly inspired/impacted by our own, and others peoples good, and bad times. We sometimes don't see a lot of the bad, but none the less it's just as important. Trials and Hardships are some of the many things that can, and will build you up. It is oh so important to know that both good and bad will affect you for the better. You may not see it in the moment, but you will later on. I promise you! Whether it may take a couple hours, days, months, even years! You will see how it made you grow as an individual.
Speaking of growing as an individual, It has always fascinated me how much people can go through, yet they're still up on their feet, fighting whatever trials come their way. Just think about it, we all go through daily challenges that can be hard, but sometimes someones hard, can be your easy. 
Meaning, something that someone is struggling with could be something you've already gone through, or something that just may have been a bit easier for you. And it is totally okay to think something is hard, but have others saying it wasn't for them. Do not get down on yourself because something is a bit harder for you than it was for someone else. 
Take that as an opportunity to reach out. Be grateful that they had it easier because now they can help you through it, and be there for you. Let them be there for you, because having loved ones there for you means the world, and is something we can all take for granted sometimes, I mean I know I do.
I challenge you, right now to text a family member, a couple friends, and maybe even someone you're just getting to know, and tell them what they mean to you! I know that everyone loves receiving a good compliment! So try it! Spread some kindness.
Now Everyone, let me just say it again to get your attention because this is important, EVERYONE has different struggles, and has different sights of what's hard and what isn't. 
And to be clear, IT IS OKAY to think something is hard, because everyone has it different, that's just how life is. It is normal.
Think about it this way, if we all thought the same things were hard, then we wouldn't be able to help each other out, and we also wouldn't be able to solve the problems that are headed our way.
This why it is so crucial to help and serve others, because you never know. Your little act of kindness could help solve someones hard day, or better yet a hard trial they are going through. 
People all over the world use blogs and articles to share stories, updates, and even hardships they've been through. For me just hearing people share those stories and how it has made them so much stronger really inspire me to truly be better.
It just gives me a whole new perspective in a way, and if someones blog or article can do that for me, I want to be able to do that with my blog for someone else, so here's my first blog post. I hope this little blog post could help you, whoever is reading this. I want you to know that you and I mean YOU are important. 
YOU matter.
YOU are beautiful.
YOU are talented.
YOU are amazing. You deserve to know all of that, and so much more than I can't write in this one blog post. You are given this life to improve and make the best out of what you're given. You are a human being, you are going to mess up sometimes, but that's okay. Yes we aren't perfect, but we are trying our best. And that's all that anyone could ask. YOU are enough.
So start now. 
Start paying attention to those little things that make you happy, but also seeing what doesn't, and knowing the difference. 
Start to know what you do and don't deserve. 
Start seeing how you can help those around you. 
Start being the person you want to be. 
Start seeing that you do impact others, because you may not think you impact a lot of people, but you do. You always do. (I was taught this very lesson by my seminary teacher today. We all wrote sweet little notes to someone we didn't know very well, to let them know how they inspire us.)
And lastly,
Start believing in yourself, because change starts from within, and I know you can do it. And sometimes you just need that little push of confidence,
so here's my push.
Have hope for a better tomorrow. 
Believe in yourself always, and I mean ALWAYS because it'll help through those hard times. 
Believe that you can, and you WILL. 
You got this!
Now go and BE YOU!

"To be a champ you have to believe in yourself when no one else will"-Sugar Ray Johnson

Love, Whyt :)


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