
Showing posts from July, 2018

Sometimes You Just Need A New Perspective

Hey everyone!         I'm back for my second blog post! I've always loved writing, but I always get stuck when it comes to deciding what to write about. Once I think of a topic, it feels like it the rest of the words just come naturally, and I can just express my thoughts in writing. Then again, finding that topic to write about is never easy.           Now everyone has their own ways of expressing their feelings, and that is very important to remember throughout life. We all can benefit from others strong suits, and quiet honestly I find that reading about others peoples perspectives, and learning what makes other people happy really strengthens me as an individual. It also really truly helps me understand why we all are very different, and that its okay to be unique.         I love writing, and how it makes me feel. This blog gives me the opportunity to share my thoughts, and show my strong suit when it comes to writing. So here goes my second blog post, but first befo