Sometimes You Just Need A New Perspective

Hey everyone!

        I'm back for my second blog post! I've always loved writing, but I always get stuck when it comes to deciding what to write about. Once I think of a topic, it feels like it the rest of the words just come naturally, and I can just express my thoughts in writing. Then again, finding that topic to write about is never easy.  
        Now everyone has their own ways of expressing their feelings, and that is very important to remember throughout life. We all can benefit from others strong suits, and quiet honestly I find that reading about others peoples perspectives, and learning what makes other people happy really strengthens me as an individual. It also really truly helps me understand why we all are very different, and that its okay to be unique.
        I love writing, and how it makes me feel. This blog gives me the opportunity to share my thoughts, and show my strong suit when it comes to writing. So here goes my second blog post, but first before we jump into things, I want to explain the back story for how I chose this topic, 
"Sometimes You Need A Little Perspective".

        On July 23rd, I went to the eye doctors to go get my eyes checked. I have had problems seeing things the past couple of weeks, but I never thought anything of it, until it got worse. My eyes were just causing me a lot of pain including, blurry vision, somewhat dizzy, and migraines. If you don't know me very well you may not know that I am chronic to Migraines. I have been for the past year, and let me tell you they are NO FUN. Anyways, so we went and the nurse there told me that my eyes are 20/20.... Now you may be thinking, "Oh my gosh that's awesome! you don't have anything wrong with you eyes. So wait... why are you telling this story then?" and trust me I thought the same thing too.
        Throughout all the tests the nurse at the eye doctor gave me, I felt kind of dumb. Like maybe there truly isn't anything wrong, maybe my eyes are just tricking me. Then I had a weird feeling that something else was wrong. So my eye doctor came in and said that the tests all say i have 20/20 vision. I began telling him that i could read what the words said, but it hurt my eyes when doing so. I couldn't really explain what was wrong, but I knew there was. The best way I could explain is that it took me a lot of effort to see things straight. I just felt dizzy a lot of the time. So he said he wanted to try something else than those tests. 
        My eye doctor had me sit in a chair, and they did the eye examine with this machine that you look through (like glasses, but a lot bigger). Now what they do with this machine is one eye at a time they see which eye is stronger. So they start it very blurry so you can't see anything, and every "click" that the doctor does on the machine makes it clearer and clearer. Once it gets fully clear (for the one eye you are doing) you tell him, and he will stop it. We started with my right eye, then did my left. 
        Keep in mind, this whole time he told me too keep my eyes relaxed, and once I had to squint then to tell him I couldn't see the next line without squinting. When we finished he took this machine of my eyes and asked me if i could read any of the letters on the bottom two rows, and immediately, I kid you not, I started to squint subconsciously. As soon as I did so, he told me that's all he needed to see.
        My right eye was 3 "clicks" and my left was only 1. So my doctor took out these lenses that matched with the number of clicks and handed them to me. He began telling me to take them and hold them up to my eyes to see if I can see clearer out of them or not. When I put these lenses up to my eyes, I couldn't believe my eyes. 
        He then asked "Can you see better out of them?" and I said "Yeah I can!". I was happy, but also confused. He could tell I was confused so he explained what was wrong. He told me I was farsighted meaning I can see well far away, but closer up not as much. 
        So when it comes to reading my eyes struggle a little bit. He continued telling me that my left eye is stronger than my right eye. My left is only +0.25, and my right is +0.75, and it may not seem like a huge problem because its not really, but it is for the two eyes to be different. 
        My brain was only using my left eye because it was more dominant, and the only times it would use my right was when I tried to read or look at something. So the problem was ,y eyes had a hard time working together, which made it hard to focus on things and read.

        The end result of this appointment was glasses. So now I where glasses because the lenses make it so my eyes work together, and now I don't have a problem seeing/reading!

        So now what was the point of me telling this story. Well, I wanted to share this story is because sometimes in life we think we have everything planned out. We think that we have control of everything, and sometimes we think that nothing bad will ever happen to me. But the truth is that we don't know. 
        Sometimes life can take a turn that you never thought would happen. I mean I never thought i'd have to wear glasses. 
        A lot of the time in life we always have our own perspective of things. We are all allowed to have our own opinions, and I love that we are able to! We do have to remember though that our perspectives and opinions are different from others. and understand that it is TOTALLY OKAY to have DIFFERENT OPINIONS.
        Think about it this way, eye sight for example. Some people have perfect vision, some have really bad vision and need glasses, some people only need glasses for reading, the list goes on, but sometimes our vision can change through out life. Whether it be from old age, or just the fact that our eyes age, and are changing everyday. 
        Our eye sight is just like our perspectives. Sometimes we are blinded by ourselves because we aren't open to change. We blind ourselves by not being open to new perspectives. So we need to put on our "perspective glasses" to be able to see again, and not be blinded.

        We have to make sure that our eyes are working together to make things clear. We have to be open to the fact that our perspectives change. Change is a HUGE part of life, and a lot of us struggle with change, I know I do. So Sometimes we do need to put on these so called "perspective glasses" and be open to see clearer. To see what others thrive in. To be open to hear and see others perspective, and to be open for ours to possible change on whatever the topic may be.

        We need to be kind to everyone, and be open to change.

        To anyone who is reading this, know that change is good, it may be a hard change or hard to adjust, but it is for the better. I know that for a fact. 

You WILL be okay, no matter what. 
Stay strong and fight for what you love, and who you love. 
Share your talents with the world.
Be you

        Please be willing to put on these "perspective glasses" every once in a while because they help you see clearer, and sometimes you just need that new perspective.

Here I am with my new glasses :)


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