
New year, new me... 
everyone seems to say this once the new year hits. Why?
Why do we subject ourselves to only change once the new year comes?
Shouldn’t we be striving everyday to change?
Shouldn’t everyday be a chance to become progressively better?
I think so,
I think we should ALWAYS be striving or better.

However, I do think that if the new year gives out this motivation for you to do better, use it!! Oh, how it is so important to remind ourselves we can change. Thats right. we CAN CHANGE. We are allowed to grow, and learn, what we like, and what we don’t. We are human after all!

Things change, people change.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot. And I wanna share a little something I learned this year. 
Graduating high school, losing lots of friends, and starting college in a totally different state.
It’s hard... freaking hard. 

But it has reminded me that sometimes you just grow out of people. Some people are just meant to not be in your life, and that’s OKAY. It is totally okay for you to grow out of people. Sometimes people turn toxic for your liking and that’s
You are not an awful person for learning what you need, and what you don’t.
Sometimes you need to take a step back and analyze your life, see who's helping you in life, and who's just dragging you down. It is totally okay to stand up for yourself and decide what you need. So don't ever feel bad for being you. And for knowing who you are. It's an amazing thing to learn and know.
I’m still learning this, but I thought I’d share what I know now. 
Sometimes life takes a turn you'd never expect. I'm grateful for last year, but I'm also grateful its over. There were lots of highs, and lots of lows. Again, I'm grateful for it all though. I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for 2018! So thank you 2018! Thank you for being such a hard year and helping me learn and grow. Thank you for helping me figure out who I am. Thank you for helping me figure out what I want to improve for the future. 

I’m grateful for the few people who are still in my life, the ones who check up on me every once in a while, And the ones who talk to me on a daily (you know who you are).
I’m also grateful for the ones who aren’t in my life anymore. I hope they are doing well in their own lives. If you are one of those people and you are reading this for some odd reason. I hope you have found what you need and are happier! I really hope so. I hope you found true happiness. I hope you have discovered who you are and what you need. You truly deserve it. Seriously. :) everyone does. Another thing I learned this year is that you have to understand that you can not. And I mean CAN NOT always please everyone. 

You can’t make everyone happy.

I know, It was heartbreaking when I truly found this out for myself. Yes it sounds so straight forward, like duhhhhh you can't, but once you truly go through something that breaks you. You fully understand that you truly can't please everyone. And thats such a hard thing to learn, well... it was for me anyway. Not everyone is gonna like you. Which is OKAY! Once you make peace with this, I promise it will make your life a lot easier.
You seriously don’t need a lot of friends or people in your life to be happy. You should be the person who makes yourself the happiest. I mean that’s why I laugh at my own jokes;)). Okay, but I actually do laugh at my own jokes soooooo. Lol. But seriously. You have to find how to be happy on your own just as much as friends, or family make you happy!! Because who has your back the most???


So find out what makes you happiest. This is something that can take a lifetime to try to perfect because you are always changing. What made you happiest as a baby has changed when you are 18 right? It is always changing, so make sure you keep up with this. Make sure you have ways to make yourself happy. You are important. and you should be your number 1 worry in life.  Your life is not only about helping others, but yourself!!!

Yes, I understand how the new year is a fresh start, but it’s also just another day to some people. 

It really depends on the person and where you are in life. Sometimes New Year’s eve/Day is a huge thing for you, where you go party and count down and scream happy new year at midnight. And one year it could just be an excuse to sit on the couch with you best friend, finishing up a “f•r•i•e•n•d•s” episode, while leaning over at midnight saying “happy new year” and that’s it. :)

Everyday is a new day!
So treat it like it is.
Treat everyday like it’s a gift.
Be grateful for everyday, and for what you have. 

I’m gonna get a little nerdy right now so bear with me. Studies have shown that writing down what your grateful for everyday actually makes you happier. Think about that!!! It’s proven that if you take the time to write down what you are grateful for you are HAPPIER!?!! It truly doesn’t take long to write down at least a couple things that you are grateful for!!

And your reward = happiness.

That’s a great gift if you ask me. You could literally click on your notes app and write the date, and three things you’re grateful for right now.
I mean you’re probably on your phone anyways before you go to bed or whatever. So why don’t you try!? I mean it couldn’t hurt. It’s proven to only help ;) It’s also a good habit to get into to stay a bit happier :)))

Now, when the new year comes along we don’t just say “new year, new me” most people go into the new year with “resolutions”. I think these are a good thing, but you have to be realistic when you make these!
You probably have already made some if you believe in resolutions!! And good on you if so!
But please make sure they are reasonable for your standards. Make sure it’s a goal you want to work towards because when you do this you start to have a drive to accomplish it. That drive is a good thing, it means it actually means something to you, and that you believe you can do so. You have to have that motive or you will never accomplish it. You will just forget about it and push it aside.
So really think about them!
Make sure it’s something you really want.

If you really want it you won’t stop for anything to get it, and achieve it.
So do it.
Go for it!

You have nothing to lose.

Let’s make 2019 a year of always improving.
Everyday is a new day to improve. You may slip some days. And that’s okay!!

Get back up. Dust yourself off, and let’s get it. Let’s make this year as good as we can make it. 

Love your friend whyt whyt 


Anonymous said…
Such a good reminder that we are always working on ourselves and to be more positive about our growth. Love you!

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