
Showing posts from September, 2019

Something You May Need To Hear...

      As I sit here on a cool September evening, I think to myself on what I should write about. I could write about why the skies blue, or why plants grow. And if I did that I probably would put you to sleep, or you'd click right off and go back to whatever else you were doing. I don't want to do that, I want to write something you can relate to. Whether you’re a young adult like me, a teen starting High School, a Parent, grandparent, or even just a younger kid! I want to reach out to all of you! Give you something that jumps out to you, or makes you want to do better than you did today. I don't know just something!        Then out of the blue, something came to me. What if I talk about people in general. I know this may be a bland, but it will make sense later. I want to talk about feelings you may be dealing with now, or not really knowing how to deal with. I want to talk about how trials affect our daily lives. How our choices affect our lives, and how to accept our