Pure Happiness

        You know how every English word has like ten different words to describe it? and how every word has like ten different meanings? Well, the word "Happiness" has billions of different meanings. It means something different for everyone. That is a good thing, However people tend to rely solely on others to receive happiness for themselves.

        For example, teenagers rely a lot on friends to make them happy, especially when it comes to high school. Now, I know that not only teens do this, but its the example I'm going to use considering I am a teen. Anyways, I do know this for a fact because I personally relied a lot on others for my happiness, which I later learned that it isn't fair to put someone else in charge of my happiness. There's more Cons than Pros when it comes to relying on others for happiness.

        Life can be so hard and sometimes the people you surround yourself with change, and sometimes not for the better. So if you rely on others for happiness and they end up leaving then how are you supposed to be happy? When you rely on others for happiness it gives them way too much power, not only over my happiness, but it also gives them power over my sadness too. You start to fall in this depressed state thinking that you'll never be happy again because the people who made you happy are no longer around. You start to feel alone, and very sad. You start thinking that you'll never be happy again. All these sad thoughts came from the fact that you let someone else put these thoughts inside your head because YOU let someone else have control over your own happiness.

        Think about it, when you rely on others for happiness it honestly just tears you down more than it builds you up. How are you supposed to grow as an individual and find out who you truly are when you don't even know what makes you truly happy because you have only relied on someone else to be happy.

        Now, I don't think that we shouldn't be happy with others. I'm not saying that you can never go out with your friends ever again. I genuinely think it is a wonderful thing to be happy with others, but and this is a huge BUT. There is a huge difference between being happy with them, and relying on them for being happy.

        Lets talk about High School for a second, since I just graduated. It's a good example on how relying on others for happiness is only going to tear you down. High Schoolers (actually probably the majority) tend to ONLY rely on friends for happiness. The hard thing about solely relying on friends for happiness is the fact that sometimes those people may not be around. Whether it be that they aren't at school, or at home. I mean these friends aren't with you 24/7 (at least mine weren't). Or even the fact that one day you will graduate High School and move on to big and better things.   
        After High School everyone goes their separate ways, and you may not be with the friends you deemed 'in charge' of your happiness. Now what are you supposed to do then? If your friends go off in a separate direction either a different school, on a lds mission, move to a different state. What are you supposed to do? This is another reason why relying on others for happiness only hurts you in the end, sometimes the hurt comes sooner than later,

BUT I have a way to help you so you don't rely on others for your happiness.

        Okay, so now you're probably asking,
 "Whyt, How can I be happy, and not rely on others for it?"

And I'd say...
Rely on...

(Can you guess yet???)


        Now you're probably thinking "Really... that's all the info you're going to give me on how to be happy?". And I'm going to have to answer that with a HECK YES! I know that relying on yourself is one of the biggest things when it comes to true, genuine happiness. Once you start relying on yourself, and believing that you want to truly become happy, everything else will start to fall in place. 
        You can be either your biggest critic, or you can be your biggest fan. 

        It's up you which one you will become, and it is fully up to you if you want to be happy about something or not. Trials and obstacles will always head your way, all throughout life, but it is up to you how you choose to react to them. It is fully up to you how you let that affect you, either positively, or negatively. 

        I'm reading this self help book called "You are a BadA$$. How to stop doubting your Greatness and start living an awesome life" by Jen Sincero. I love this book with a burning passion, and she talks about happiness a lot. She talks about the difference of wanting something (like happiness) verses deciding to do so.

She says: 
"Wanting can be done sitting on the couch with a bong in your hand and a travel magazine in your lap.

Deciding means jumping in all the way, doing whatever it takes, and going after your dreams with the tenacity of a dateless cheerleader a week before prom night."

        The big picture is, we need to first actually want to be happy. Then we need to decide for ourselves, to be the one in charge of our own happiness. 
        You need to put forth the effort to believe in yourself and be a little selfish sometimes. Society put such a bad meaning behind the word "selfish" but in the positive side of selfish it means self love. So let me say it this way, You need to put forth the effort to love yourself. Self Love is so so so important, and is a big part of being happy. 
        Once you're happy with yourself, 
you become a lot happier in the grand scheme of things. 
Everything starts getting easier once you decide that 
you are in charge of your happiness.

        You are the one living your life, so why would you let anyone else decide when YOU get to be happy?! It is so crazy that our minds try to convince ourselves that others control our happiness, when in reality it really is just simple. 
It is us. 
We control our OWN happiness.  

So whatever your happiness may be, 
go find it! 
Find what things in life fall under the category of happiness for

Society says that happiness is defined by living a happy life.
 Okay, well how do I live a happy life?

You decide to be happy, for you.
And you actually do it.

Find your Pure Happiness:)))


Anonymous said…
Too true girl! Keep spreading the amazing content💕

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