
Communication: the process of using messages to generate meaning.

Let me just start off by saying communication is vital for our society. It is a way of life, it is honestly everything in life. If you don’t know how to communicate, even the simplest words, symbols, actions, or phrases you can’t do much. Think about it, little babies crying for when they are tired, hungry, need their diaper changed, want to be picked up, when they are upset. A baby crying can mean literally ANYTHING. Sometimes it can get frustrating because you have no idea what they need, but you so badly want to help them. It’s a constant battle everyday to find out what they need. As these babies get older around a toddler they know a few words and can show you what they want. They can you signs and symbols to point as to what they need. And as they get older they learn more and more words.

Honestly, we NEVER stop learning about words! There are so many different words with different meanings! In the English language there are SO many words that can have the same meaning and sometimes it can get super confusing. So knowing how to communicate and different vocabulary is essential for wanting to talk to others!
You are probably wondering why I chose the topic “Communication”. Let me tell you, i have a LOT of reasoning's. One happens to be that I am now a college student, and I happen to be taking a communications class. Now this class may or may not be a required class... but non the less I actually am excited for this class because i can conquer one of my fears... that happens to be... Public Speaking, or just speaking in-front of groups in general. I absolutely am terrified of it. IT SCARES ME SO MUCH. i much rather do anything but speak in-front of people. I rather sky dive than speak in front of people!!!!! actually... maybe not sky dive, but you get the point. I much rather do something else.

So far in this class we’ve talked about how communication shapes us to who we are as individuals. Communication can make or break you sometimes. For example, have you ever said something that right after you said it you wished you could immediately take it back?? Because I know it has happened to me, but communicating to the person after wards what you meant or apologizing can help work out the situation!!!

BUT, We also need to understand that communication isn’t communication without listening. You have to be able to listen to the other person in the conversation or it just turns one sided. Have you ever been in a one sided conversation where someone is just talking your ear off and you can never get a word in?? Doesn’t it get annoying!? I know it annoys me! But we aren’t all perfect. Sometimes we just get so invested in the topic we are discussing with someone that words just go spewing out of our mouths. That is a good thing though because it means whoever you are talking to, you feel comfortable enough to share something that excites you! But you have to also learn to let the other person share their opinion because you never know, that opinion can change your life. Or it can just show you a whole new perspective.

“How you see yourself can make a great difference in how you communicate”
Perspective is huge when it comes to communication because when you think about it. Your perspective totally makes how you communicate unique. And if your perspective is different from someone else... and if your opinion varies from someone else... OH MY GOSH that means that you both communicate differently!!! isn’t that a bizarre thing to think about! It makes things so much clearer though to think about it that way, or to at least have that insight. How you communicate is about you. You communicate different than someone else because your perspective (which is who you are and what your beliefs are) is your own. Therefore, if we all communicate differently then we need to take time to learn how our peers, family members, friends, and co-workers communicate. 

We have to be willing to let the other person talk. We have to be willing to listen. If we aren’t willing to do either, then the conversation/communicating goes no where. You have to be willing to listen to be able to be a good communicator.

And if you happen to come across a problem with someone. You have to be willing to talk it out. Now, i’m not saying that just talking it out will fix everything all the time. It will fix things most of the time if you and the other individual agree, but sometimes you won’t fully agree. Sometimes this can be heart breaking because sometimes agreements can end friendships, but I believe that everything happens for a reason, you may not know the reason in the moment. But it will turn out okay, just keep a positive mindset about life. If you happen to go through a hard time, find someone (who you trust!) and who you feel comfortable to communicate to and talk it out. Or make it work with the individual. Every situation is different, just like how every perspective is. 

Now, social media..... ITS AN AMAZING THING DO NOT GET ME WRONG, but, communicating over social media, or even texting can get a little confusing sometimes. As do human interactions sometimes. but human interactions you get to see the persons body language, and their facial expressions and those are HUGE when communicating. Now, I know you’re trying to find a loop hole and you’re probably thinking, “well that’s what facetime and snapchat is for. you can see them soooo GOT YA”. Well yes, you can communicate a lot better with those two apps we have readily in our reach, but human interaction is just 1000000% better. There is just no debate. I have a really good friend of mine and we live very very very far away from each other. I miss her very dearly, and we talk almost everyday. Snapchat, instagram, text, facetime, you name it! And it will never even come close to how amazing it is to actually be able to talk and see each other in person. I much rather get to give her a hug and see her in person than just talking over the phone. I’d choose human interaction over my phone ANY DAY.

So now that we’ve talked about some of the things i’ve learned in this class, let’s talk about why i’m taking it (other than the fact it’s required). Now I didn’t want to take this class in the beginning because I was terrified. The first day we had to stand in front of the class and basically say our name and all that jazz. well I remember going up.... and I remember sitting down... I HONESTLY DON'T REMEMBER WHAT ELSE HAPPENED. I must of blacked out mentally. I was so scared I couldn’t remember what I said. So hopefully I didn’t make a fool of myself.

Anyways, on a more serious note, I took this class to face my fear of public speaking. Also, to just learn more about communicating. I feel like everyone has room for improvement. Everyone can learn something new, I mean we do everyday! I also want to be able to get somewhat comfortable talking in front of people. I want to be able to be not just a good communicator, but an amazing one. I also wanted to be able to be an amazing listener. There is always room for improvement. In this world I want to be able to help as many people as I can. I want to be able to reach out about topics that I am passionate about. And take my perspective and share it with others. I want to have my voice be heard. And the only way I can do that right now is to start conquering my fears. Taking it one step at a time to be unstoppable. I want to be unstoppable. I believe I can be. and I know I will be!
It just takes some initiative.
It takes some persistence.
If you want it, you'll do anything to have it.

I want to be an amazing communicator, and listener, and help as many people as I possibly can!! In anyway I can!

What do you want to do? and how do you want to be better at communicating or anything you have your mind set on improving???

Some Quotes for you:))))
“Don’t second guess your first instinct”
“Every inch is your inch”
“Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear, and let them listen”


Aleda :) said…
I love this wow💕

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