
Something You May Need To Hear...

      As I sit here on a cool September evening, I think to myself on what I should write about. I could write about why the skies blue, or why plants grow. And if I did that I probably would put you to sleep, or you'd click right off and go back to whatever else you were doing. I don't want to do that, I want to write something you can relate to. Whether you’re a young adult like me, a teen starting High School, a Parent, grandparent, or even just a younger kid! I want to reach out to all of you! Give you something that jumps out to you, or makes you want to do better than you did today. I don't know just something!        Then out of the blue, something came to me. What if I talk about people in general. I know this may be a bland, but it will make sense later. I want to talk about feelings you may be dealing with now, or not really knowing how to deal with. I want to talk about how trials affect our daily lives. How our choices affect our lives, and how to accept our


New year, new me...  everyone seems to say this once the new year hits. Why? Why do we subject ourselves to only change once the new year comes? Shouldn’t we be striving everyday to change? Shouldn’t everyday be a chance to become progressively better? I think so, I think we should ALWAYS be striving or better. However, I do think that if the new year gives out this motivation for you to do better, use it!! Oh, how it is so important to remind ourselves we can change. Thats right. we CAN CHANGE. We are allowed to grow, and learn, what we like, and what we don’t. We are human after all! Things change, people change. I’ve been thinking about this a lot. And I wanna share a little something I learned this year.  Graduating high school, losing lots of friends, and starting college in a totally different state. It’s hard... freaking hard.  But it has reminded me that sometimes you just grow out of people. Some people are just meant to not be in your life, and t


Communication: the process of using messages to generate meaning. Let me just start off by saying communication is vital for our society. It is a way of life, it is honestly everything in life. If you don’t know how to communicate, even the simplest words, symbols, actions, or phrases you can’t do much. Think about it, little babies crying for when they are tired, hungry, need their diaper changed, want to be picked up, when they are upset. A baby crying can mean literally ANYTHING. Sometimes it can get frustrating because you have no idea what they need, but you so badly want to help them. It’s a constant battle everyday to find out what they need. As these babies get older around a toddler they know a few words and can show you what they want. They can you signs and symbols to point as to what they need. And as they get older they learn more and more words. Honestly, we NEVER stop learning about words! There are so many different words with different meanings! In the English

Pure Happiness

        You know how every English word has like ten different words to describe it? and how every word has like ten different meanings? Well, the word "Happiness" has billions of different meanings. It means something different for everyone. That is a good thing, However people tend to rely solely on others to receive happiness for themselves.         For example, teenagers rely a lot on friends to make them happy, especially when it comes to high school. Now, I know that not only teens do this, but its the example I'm going to use considering I am a teen. Anyways, I do know this for a fact because I personally relied a lot on others for my happiness, which I later learned that it isn't fair to put someone else in charge of my happiness. There's more Cons than Pros when it comes to relying on others for happiness.         Life can be so hard and sometimes the people you surround yourself with change, and sometimes not for the better. So if you rely on others

Sometimes You Just Need A New Perspective

Hey everyone!         I'm back for my second blog post! I've always loved writing, but I always get stuck when it comes to deciding what to write about. Once I think of a topic, it feels like it the rest of the words just come naturally, and I can just express my thoughts in writing. Then again, finding that topic to write about is never easy.           Now everyone has their own ways of expressing their feelings, and that is very important to remember throughout life. We all can benefit from others strong suits, and quiet honestly I find that reading about others peoples perspectives, and learning what makes other people happy really strengthens me as an individual. It also really truly helps me understand why we all are very different, and that its okay to be unique.         I love writing, and how it makes me feel. This blog gives me the opportunity to share my thoughts, and show my strong suit when it comes to writing. So here goes my second blog post, but first befo

Here it goes... The First Post.

Hey everyone! This is Whytni Rain Evanson, also known as Whyt, and I am the girl behind "Words with Whyt". I'm very excited to start up a blog! I've always wanted to create a blog of my own. I am very much a fan of blogs, articles, and just seeing other peoples opinions or stories. So I decided that I wanted to create this blog "Words with Whyt". In that case, I am just a beginner so I have to get in the hang of things, so here it goes: - I want to talk about the things that affect us, good or bad. - I believe that we are truly inspired/impacted by our own, and others peoples good, and bad times. We sometimes don't see a lot of the bad, but none the less it's just as important. Trials and Hardships are some of the many things that can, and will build you up. It is oh so important to know that both good and bad will affect you for the better. You may not see it in the moment, but you will later on. I promise you! Whether it may take a cou